Friday, February 27, 2009

Today Is a Good Day, Even If It Is Cold and Windy

Yes, it is only 31 and windy and overcast and feels like a typical winter day. Spring is definitely not in the air in east central Illinois. For all that, I have had a pretty good day, even if it started out as if it would not work out too well.

I woke up before the alarm, which is never a good sign. On the other hand, that meant there was no question about going to the gym. I obviously had excess adrenaline to work off. After cycling I hung around talking with one of the student workers, trying to get her interested in polar exploration. Since she is in community health, my guess is that the books I recommended will remain unread. Ah, the itinerant teaching life. You never get out of the habit of trying to encourage others to embrace your interests.

When I finally got home, Peter had left for St. Louis. I thought I would take a quick shower, eat a quick breakfast, race through the paper, etc. etc. At 10 I was calling the stamp place because I couldn't find one of the things Peter wanted for his birthday. They had changed the product number! That done, I called Champaign Cycle about my bike, which was done. It is tuned up, should fit me better, and they finally got my light on. So I was happy. I brought it home and ordered a wireless signalling system so I don't have to take my hands off the handlebars to signal a turn. So even though I didn't leave the house until much later than I had planned, I managed to do most of what I had planned to do. I still have the book to mail back to the Folio Society. I moved that to Monday.

Then there were the usual things, like money for the week. Fortunately we got our pension payment today. I ordered a couple of Astana t-shirts, which I found out about from Levi Leipheimer's Twitter post. I don't think I am interested in the team kit and I have the Slipstream kit from last year, so I don't need that either. I would like something from Team Columbia High Road so I will have to look into that.

I got beer (why I ask you when I don't drink much and Peter doesn't drink at all) and groceries. Then I came home, kept the cats from running out of the house while I dragged in the groceries, and had sushi for a very late lunch. Peter is now on his way home from St. Louis and I am going to the 40N 88W event at Radio Maria. Sue is supposed to meet me there.

The cats are restless. They think it is time to eat. More fools they. In the meantime they are wandering around, knocking things over.

So, now that I have allowance again, do I buy the incredibly expensive scarf I covet, even though I have a large number of scarves already? Do I buy some books I want, which would mean I really should do some research and not just let the collection build up for no reason? Do I wait awhile and see if anything interesting comes up? The last is obviously the prudent choice. But can I be prudent? Only time will tell.

The weekend is totally empty but I hope to fill it up with lunch out tomorrow and then going to see "Dancing with Bashir" at Boardman's Art. I did get around to putting money on the card. Did I say that today has been an incredibly expensive day? Well, it has been. On Sunday I am hoping that Peter will want to go out for breakfast. There are also two semi-classics this weekend, Omloop Het Nieuwsblad and Kuurne-Brussels-Kuurne, so I may watch some cycling on Of course I should be writing about my life on the day that Kennedy was shot. I have a feeling that it will be harder than it sounds.

All in all, things are looking up. Maybe the antibiotics are finally kicking in ...

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