Wednesday, February 11, 2009

It Was Like Spring; What Happened?

Colder, rainy, windy, weather warnings, and we were all hoping for an early spring. Guess Phil the Groundhog was right. So I'm not ready to get my bike out of the garage yet. Instead I am doing exciting things like waiting for my insurance provider to approve a sleep test and then wait for the sleep clinic to call and make an appointment for me. I had a test to see if I have a vitamin D deficiency. My rheumatologist told me that I have some characteristics of anklosing spondulitis, something two of my brothers have. Aren't I lucky. For all that, she thinks I am doing pretty well and shouldn't worry about memory loss with the neurontin since a lot of the other stuff I was taking also causes memory loss.

Tonight is Women's Night at Champaign Cycle. I am going so I can learn all over again how to change a tube in my tire. The big problem is that I can't get the tire off the wheel when I need to change the tube. So I always need to ride with other people with stronger hands. Where's Scot when you need him? He could get my tire off in about 2 seconds.

What else is going on? I bought a whole lot of bread so that may be all I eat for the next week. At least some of it has chocolate in it. I ordered my Brikka coffee pot so now I will see if I can make "real" espresso. And I am still spending too much time on Facebook.

What should I be doing? I should call Parkland about getting involved in their Lifelong Learning program. I should call the Campus Honors program about teaching possibilities. I need to write a letter of recommendation. I should write the e-mail I promised so that I can possibly set up a meeting with a former mentor. I need to prepare readings, etc. for the Wars of the Roses study group and work on my talk on the Venetian ghetto. And I need to put all of that on my to-do list or none of it will get done.

But right now I need to make a casserole for dinner. That can't wait.

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