Tuesday, June 09, 2009

Edward Herrmann at the British Museum: Celebrities Can Like Culture Too

London, museums, theater, famous actors--what more can you ask for? As Dr. Johnson said, "When a man gets tired of London, he gets tired of life."

Edward Herrmann
In 1985 Peter and I were in London went to see Edward Herrmann, one of my favorite actors, in Tom and Viv at the Royal Court Theatre. Foul, you cry. That is not a celebrity sighting. We all see celebrities in plays, movies, operas, etc. every day. True enough if that was my story. But that was not the sighting. The next day we went to the British Museum and there he was with a group of actors from the play, waiting patiently to enter, just as we were. There was no mistaking him since he is very tall (and I am very short so this is especially obvious to me) and distinctive in both looks and voice. London is not a place where you go up to celebrities and gush about their performances and ask for their autographs and I am not the type anyway, particularly in a place as august as the British Museum. So it has always been my secret thrill--until now anyway.

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